Here GOES Radiotelescope, 2020-now. Ground station at Wave Farm, co-operated with Harry Dove-Robinson SUVI SUNS, 2023. Installation, Foundations Lab, Pratt Institute, images sourced from satellite transmissions Remote Magnetometer, 2022. Sound instrument based on a scientific instrument on a weather satellite Space Weather Instrument Ensemble, 2022. Replicas of satellite instruments play live data as sound Moon Arrow, 2018 & 2019. Arrow continually points at the moon, documented by time lapse Sonic Planetarium: Satellite Pipes, 2018 & 2019. Sound installation at Tufts University atrium Go GOES Radiotelescope, 2017. Viewers in line with NOAA geostationary satellite see full disk of Earth Sonic Planetarium, 2017-present. Sound installation, audio model of the stuff in earth’s orbit, in real time Beachball Antennas, 2016. Site-specific radio reception on Southern Florida beaches Southern Florida Beachball Antenna Archive, 2017, book containing images received using beachball antennas Outernet Library Branch - Wave Farm is an Outernet receiving station operating on the grounds of Wave Farm 2016 - 2018 Outernet Library Branch - Wave Farm: Library Book, 2016. The one physical book in the digital collection concerns libraries The Menu for Mars Supper Club and Kitchen, co-organized with Douglas Paulson, envisions Martian cuisine L5 from Here, 2015-ONGOING. A series of photographs from Earth of Lagrange point 5, where space colonies are planned YOU ARE HERE, 2015. Book containing image transmissions received in Yukon Territory, Canada, from weather satellites Faxes from Space, 2014. Book following the build of an antenna used for receiving images from NOAA satellites Space Transmissions, 2014. A 2-hour radio program concerning transmissions from spacecraft Conjuring the Northern Lights, 2014. Experimental video sketch made while anticipating the aurora borealis Co-founded with Natalie Campbell in 2007, SP Weather Station is an interdisciplinary project and artist-run weather station Long Island City Sundial Field Guide, 2013. Book tracking the Citicorp building's shadow to tell time Details from the Least Popular, 2013. Book containing uninteresting detail areas from unpopular images in the Hubble gallery Volumes with Flock, 2012. Two copies of the same book paged through at different speeds Tranquility Base, 2012. A catalog of items left at the Apollo 11 landing site on the moon using miniature handmade models SLICED, 2012. The cutting and serving of a parking garage cake, commemorating the 75th birthday of Ed Ruscha A series of letterpress prints created in 2012-2014 commemorating vintage defunct satellites which remain in orbit ISS Road Trip, 2012. A book of the International Space Station is paged through in a car on the road Space Junk Guide to the Hayden Planetarium, 2012. NYC's landmark is used to describe orbital debris Cloud Book Study, 2011. Book containing timelapse clouds is paged through and time-altered Stargazing by Microscope, 2011. Book containing images of stars photographed with a microscope Atlas Dream Sequence, 2011. Each map-collage page is an imagined magnification from the previous page Fake Snow Collection, 2010. Definitive reference book on artificial snow with photos, articles and samples Orbital Debris Simulator, 2010. Book describes ‘space junk’ using space toys, screen printed in anaglyph 3D SP Potluck Project, 2009. Video projected onto a tabletop; collaboration with Natalie Campbell, Carissa Carman, and Liz Zanis On Safari, 1976, 2009. Book with found vintage photographs from a Kenyan mini-bus safari Manhattanhenge, 2009. Print showing where, twice a year, the setting sun aligns with the Manhattan street grid Forest & Stream, 2009. With Nicholas Fraser, labels of previous forest types were placed in location on Manhattan Home Planetarium Survey, 2008. Toy planetariums and photograms of their projected stars Space Codex Facimilie, 2007. A reproduction of all of the text included in the 1977 Voyager interstellar mission message One thousand orbits, projection #1, and #2, 2007. Prints visualizing debris in space with the map projections used debossed Backsides of Type, a print series c.2006 where texts are set with metal type, flipped over and used as printing plates Uniform Paper, 2006. With Chris Petrone, book displays a wide variety of handmade papers created from clothing uniforms Roof prints is a series of intaglio prints of rooftops as seen from the elevated trains in NYC Atlas of Punctuation, 2004. Book displaying the distribution of all end-of-sentence punctuation found in fourteen books Typography of the Period: A Brief Introduction, 2003. A survey of the design of periods in 26 common typefaces Nest Variations, series of prints that considers the nest under distorted gravitational and magnetic forces Numerous collage pieces made from maps involving the manipulation of the documented space in maps.