Co-founded by artists Natalie Campbell and Heidi Neilson in 2007, and active mostly 2007-2014, SP Weather Station is an interdisciplinary project that collects weather data, hosts a Guest Lecture Series, and organizes weather-related publications, events, and exhibitions. As an informal umbrella organization, SPWS invites participation from many other artists, groups, and weather enthusiasts, while maintaining a rooftop station base at Flux Factory in Long Island City, New York.
SP Weather Station builds on the existing international phenomenon of Personal Weather Stations. Weather station enthusiasts worldwide combine DIY analogue technology with organized web forums for collecting and analyzing data. By recording its neighborhood’s environmental conditions, SPWS participates in and add to some of the many ways people have, throughout history, made their own weather observations. SPWS maintains an interest in new and historical technologies, and in how individuals relate to broader systems and patterns.
Above: SP weather station instruments on the roof of Flux Factory; Below: SPWS Reports Portfolio from 2008 (see for portfolios from 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and more information about the project).