Collective-action Motion Study of Anik-E1, 2017 Animation (loop), ~ 700 hand-colored animation frames by over 100 participating artists Geostationary satellites orbit the earth at the same rate that the earth turns, so that from our point of view they remain in the same spot in the sky. The black and white frames of this animation are identical images which were … [Read more...]
Conjuring the Northern Lights
Conjuring the Northern Lights, 2014. 1 min, 51 sec. I created the video Conjuring the Northern Lights while an artist-in-residence at the Klondike Institute of Art and Culture in Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Canada, in October and November of 2014. This video is an experimental sketch made while anticipating seeing the northern lights for the first time. The audio was … [Read more...]
The Time Machine
Andreas Schmidt's The Time Machine, 2012. 2:48 minutes, looped. Video of The Time Machine book by Andreas Schmidt for his performance '16:47, 16:45' at Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK, on September 23, 2012. '16:47, 16:45' performance still … [Read more...]
Currents of Tremont
Currents of Tremont, 2012. 1 min, 45 sec video. Bronx River Arts Center's neighborhood along Tremont Avenue in the Bronx, New York [view map], is interlaced by numerous traffic streams of different types: the elevated subway train, roadways and expressways, and the Bronx River. Using video and time-lapse photography, Currents of Tremont captures multiple views of the … [Read more...]
Volumes with Flock
Volumes with Flock, 2012. 7.5 x 6.75 in., 500 pages, softbound digital-offset printed book and 39-second video. The books and video are intended to be viewed together. The two books in the video are different copies of the same book, paged through at different speeds. … [Read more...]